[s-cars] urS 92 ??

Bill Mahoney wmahoney at disk.com
Mon Jun 2 12:04:28 EDT 2003

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Just returned from CT.  I wound up missing the Greenwich Concours
entirely due to wedding attendance and rain rain rain.  Man O man =O

Anyway my sisters urS'92 in a word is great.  IMHO '92 was perhaps the
best year, abs on/off, more aggressive software, funky interior wood,
forged wheels, dual pissers and most importantly, a great suspension.
Very nice.

Does it really matter red vs green Audi coolant?  They put red in her
car but my car takes the green.

Would any CT (southern CT ) lister know of a good place to get the car
painted??  How much should a 'good' job cost do ya think?  She has balck
with grey interior and new paint would make the car new IME.   A three
spoke wheel  would be nice too.

Thanks in advance!


Bill m


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