[s-cars] urS 92 ??

Chad A. Clark chadaclark4 at msn.com
Mon Jun 2 20:51:52 EDT 2003

Just as a quick data point, there is a local S-car guy who just had his
whole car repainted to the tune of $7,000. Yep, you read that correctly, 7
bills. Car looks pretty sweet but still not worth 7k IMO. Especially
considering the value of these cars anymore. But, you know that Maaco is
running a special this month for $189. Wow, think what you could do with
that extra $6811! :-)

Oh yeah, about the coolant, just go to the dealer and get the Autobahn blue
stuff, phosphate free. Don't mix the red with it! I'm pretty sure the blue
is recommended for all the earlier Audi's up until the '96 A4 if I remember
correctly. It's definitely good for any 5 cyl turbo Audi. I've run it all my
Audi's and have never had any problems with it. HTH,

Chad Clark

on 6/2/03 9:04 AM, Bill Mahoney at wmahoney at disk.com wrote:

> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Folks,
> Just returned from CT.  I wound up missing the Greenwich Concours
> entirely due to wedding attendance and rain rain rain.  Man O man =O
> Anyway my sisters urS'92 in a word is great.  IMHO '92 was perhaps the
> best year, abs on/off, more aggressive software, funky interior wood,
> forged wheels, dual pissers and most importantly, a great suspension.
> Very nice.
> Does it really matter red vs green Audi coolant?  They put red in her
> car but my car takes the green.
> Would any CT (southern CT ) lister know of a good place to get the car
> painted??  How much should a 'good' job cost do ya think?  She has balck
> with grey interior and new paint would make the car new IME.   A three
> spoke wheel  would be nice too.
> Thanks in advance!
> Cheers'
> Bill m
> --
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