[s-cars] Front Bumper Removal

Sean Douglas quattro20v at telus.net
Tue Jun 3 19:42:57 EDT 2003

I'm planning on doing my t-belt soon and I've studied urs4.com, and I
can't figure out how to get the bumper off.

This is the instructions:

2. Remove the bumper grill strips - centre one first, end ones after.
Remove the temp sensor behind the license plate holder and unclip the

Where are the fasteners for this?

3. Remove the front bumper - 5 Phillips head screws securing each wheel
well flap to the wheel well liner and two hex-head bumper bolts. Unclip
the bumper ends by pushing down and pulling out on the top and then
unclipping the bottom. If you pull straight out you'll be there for a
long time (there's 30 minutes gone). Pull the ends down to clear the
wheel well and pull the bumper straight off from the front.

Where are the hex-head bumper bolts?

4. Remove the right side upper bumper trim and the front upper bumper
trim.(10 mm socket, Phillips screwdriver).

Where are the fasteners for this?

Any help would be appreciated.



Sean Douglas
1997 Audi S6
1990 Audi 90Q20V
Surrey, BC

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