[s-cars] look at this 92 S4, where can I get....

Tim Lynch tlynch at aquaengr.com
Thu Jun 5 09:43:35 EDT 2003

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I think you are referring to the Kamei Sport Grill.  Try Blau
http://www.audiquattroparts.com/Kamei/kamei_auto_accessories.htm.  They
also offer the rings.  Keep in mind that your rings from your stock
grill will not work on the sport grill.  I am not sure about the badges.

>Saw this S4 on eBay today (I am so glad to see S4's with high miles
like that, it just assures my love of these >engines).  Does anyone know
where I can come across the front grill this one has?  I like the look
of that, even though >I would still like the crome rings, but the
blackened edges of the grill is awesome.  Just seeing if anyone knew....
CT >"The Clutch" Howes

Tim Lynch
1992 Audi S4

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