[s-cars] Sabine Ring Taxi Video - NAC

Keith Maddock Keith.Maddock at TRW.COM
Tue Jun 10 16:32:54 EDT 2003

Yes, double points if you do it in a rental on the ring :)

And I should mention that it must be a REAL picture, not photoshopped... :-P


Keith Maddock, TRW Automotive,  Koblenz, Germany
Slip Control Systems, Systems Design, Traction Control
+49 (0)261/ 895 2474    -   -   keith.maddock at trw.com

>>> "Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK)" <pkrasusky at ups.com> 15:07:21 10.06.2003 >>>
Keithy propositioned:

<<<Paulie, when you can post a picture of you SMOKING the tires in the
middle of a 4-wheel drift around a corner, then you can claim your S6 is
"flogged like a ring taxi">>>

Super K-  is that a DARE I smell???  8-)

-P drive it like you stole it K.

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