[s-cars] Cooling System Presure / Accessory Belt Tensioner

Andrew Pennell apennell001 at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 10 09:39:57 EDT 2003

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

Anyone know what pressure the cooling system should run at? I am leaking so=
me coolant from the overflow hose connection on the top of the expansion ta=
nk after getting the engine is up to temperature. I guess the fitting is lo=
ose enough to let pressure and coolant escape, but I was concerned that per=
haps my pressure is too high. I am running normal temps. What is a good way=
 to check the overall health of the cooling system?

On another note...the tensioner wheel for the engine accessory belt is maki=
ng a faint chirp at idle. Should I just replace the whole t-belt / water pu=
mp, etc etc if I am considering replacing the accessory belt tensioner? The=
 current t-belt has 40K miles on it.

Thanks -AP
95 S6 Avant

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