[s-cars] W32.Bugbear.B@mm virus WARNING!!!

Bjørn Ødegård beernuts at online.no
Wed Jun 11 09:17:55 EDT 2003

It's my policy to regularly clean my address book for all s-cars mail
addresses, (they're easy to find anyways..) and not accept the basic
settings of Outlook. (to automatically save addresses) If everyone
follows this, and maintain a working copy of a 'leading' anti-virus
program, we _should_ be pretty safe. (better even, use Eudora or Opera
(free) for mail..)

Bjorn  :o)
'92 S4

----- Original Message -----
From: <bob.rossato at att.net>
To: <mungerts at uneedspeed.net>
Cc: "'Scar'" <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2003 11:40 PM
Subject: RE: [s-cars] W32.Bugbear.B at mm virus WARNING!!!

> *Sigh*, yet another benefit of using an authenticated NNTP server for
> S-car list.

The e-mails are not coming from or through the list.  The Audifans
e-mail lists are set up to strip out any attachments.  The only thing in
common is that whoever's machine is infected is subscribed to the S-Car
list and therefore has some of our individual addresses as a result of
having replied to previous messages.

> Hope everyone has Norton or similar installed!

Unfortunately somebody on the list doesn't.  My ISP recently added a
virus scanner at their end and as a result my copy of Norton AV doesn't
get much use anymore.

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S-CAR-List at audifans.com

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