[s-cars] Waht springs would lower our cars the most?

Dan Bozga audisport44 at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 14 12:17:36 EDT 2003

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
I was looking at the H&R's for our cars but they only drop the car like 1.3=
 inches and that's not enough for those huge gaps between the wheels and fe=
nders. The 200 20 valve H&R springs lower that car about 1.5 inches so sinc=
e our cars are heavier I was thinking that if I use those it might lower th=
e car even more. Another alternative I was thinking about is Intrax springs=
 for the regular Audi 100 Quattro (C4) which are supposed to lower that car=
 1.75 inches, would it lower our cars that much too or are the S4's already=
 a bit lower than the 100's? It's hard to tell since they both have huge ga=
ps between the wheels and fenders. Are there any other alternatives? Any ot=
her springs/combinations?
I want to go as low as possible, trying to eliminate as much of the gaps as=
 I can.

Any help would be appreciated.



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