[s-cars] What springs would lower our cars the most?

Dan Bozga audisport44 at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 14 15:14:07 EDT 2003

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
So what's wrong with the H&R 200 20 valve springs?  What do you reccomend o=
n a 93 S4 if I want to go as low as possible, and how much do you think the=
y will lower the car? So far from previous experiences with H&R's is that t=
hey don't lower the car as much as I would like to at all, you still have s=
ome pretty big gaps.


Steve Marinello <smarinello at charter.net> wrote:You DON'T want the 200q 20V =
springs! Got them off the '95 S6 I bought and
ran with '92 springs. Believe me, even the correct H&R's lower the car too
much; Eibach's a little less. I like the '92's for everyday driving around
here more than the Eibach/Bilstein combo on the avant. My choice next time
will probably be the euro S6+ springs....although I've got a new set of the
correct Eibach's sitting in the garage that I ordered before finding the
'92's. We'll see what the next one has on already.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan Bozga"
Sent: Saturday, June 14, 2003 1:17 PM
Subject: [s-cars] Waht springs would lower our cars the most?

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
I was looking at the H&R's for our cars but they only drop the car like 1.3
inches and that's not enough for those huge gaps between the wheels and
fenders. The 200 20 valve H&R springs lower that car about 1.5 inches so
since our cars are heavier I was thinking that if I use those it might lower
the car even more. Another alternative I was thinking about is Intrax
springs for the regular Audi 100 Quattro (C4) which are supposed to lower
that car 1.75 inches, would it lower our cars that much too or are the S4's
already a bit lower than the 100's? It's hard to tell since they both have
huge gaps between the wheels and fenders. Are there any other alternatives?
Any other springs/combinations?
I want to go as low as possible, trying to eliminate as much of the gaps as
I can.

Any help would be appreciated.



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