[s-cars] Formation of the midwest S-car mafia

Mark Strangways strangconst at rogers.com
Thu Jun 19 23:25:13 EDT 2003

Too Funny :)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Randy Lewis" <rwzlewis at sasktel.net>
To: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Cc: "Mark Strangways" <strangconst at rogers.com>; "Dave Forgie"
<forgied at direct.ca>
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 10:17 PM
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Formation of the midwest S-car mafia

> Okay Mark,
> Here come the Mounties to help dig you out.....
> Here is my Can - USA S-car trivia quiz
> 1) why was there more S-cars shipped to the US?...answer..... das germans
> knew we would take better care of them, thus less were needed... (RS6
> included, we may find out this was a BIG shipping error by Wolfgang in the
> shipping area and it is really the US that will not get the RS6!!)
> 2) why does the US turn to Canada for good S-cars......answer....they feel
> more european reading speed in kilometers
> 3) why do Canadian S-cars have great suspension
> modifications?...answer....we require great handling for our daily pot
> slalom courses
> 4) why was quattro really invented.....answer....an Audi engineer
> in Canada in the winter.....our challenging driving conditions led to the
> development
> That's it....over to the west coast and famous S-car
> historian/vigilante......Dave F????
> name & car witheld....ahhh, what the hell...who is going to come to
> Saskatchewan anyway !!
> Randy
> 96//S6...mit kilometers only  and a German plate waiting for a ticket!!

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