Fwd: [s-cars] NAC / What the f.. is Norway anyway?? A closer look at the nort...

ELLIEOLSEN at aol.com ELLIEOLSEN at aol.com
Sun Jun 22 09:47:44 EDT 2003

Norway? one of the greatest places on earth...hell, you don't even loose yo=
cell phone connection while driving through 2 mile long tunnels. In Detroit
your phone goes dead if you stand too close to a tree :-)
Their roads...thousands of miles of road course...I wonder if my wife will
let me take the rental car from Copenhagen north next week?????? probably n=

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Subject: [s-cars] NAC / What the f.. is Norway anyway?? A closer look at th=
e northern countries.
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Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2003 09:28:39 +0200

For the ones around who thinks Norway is the capital of Sweden, and has
an old uncle who's been there, shooting polar bears in the streets,
here's a detailed an more accurate description!

And some pics from my local area:  (No polar bears anywhere to be seen..
Boy does that polarbear repellent work! ;o)
(cut'n'paste.. Sorry!)
(The E18 webcam is btw. from the _main road_ between Oslo and the south
country. A really narrow and underdimentioned road, wich is on its way
to become a 2-lane in a few years. Financed by tolls, even if we've
already payed for it several times through horrible taxes!
Unbeleiveable, but true!)

Have a nice week-end!

Bjorn  :o)
'92 S4
'96 Cabrio

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