[s-cars] X-over pipe busted?

steve powers steve at thepowers.net
Tue Jun 24 08:37:15 EDT 2003

Thanks Mike. It is a 95.5 and does have the plastic pipe. You've
confirmed my speculation. This puppy comes out this weekend.


>  -----Original Message-----
>  From: mlp qwest [mailto:mlped at qwest.net]
>  Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2003 7:29 AM
>  To: steve powers; s-car-list at audifans.com; 'northwest audi
>  enthusiasts'
>  Subject: RE: [s-cars] X-over pipe busted?
>  If you have a latter model UrS, they came with plastic
>  X-over pipes vs. the earlier model (all 1992's, most if not
>  all 1993, and ? some or many 1994) metal x-over pipes.  The
>  latter model year plastic x-overs can break or crack with an
>  impact related injury &/or under "certain" listers
>  applications (i.e. east coasters running 24+ psi on a hot
>  summer day, you know who you are) have been known to
>  occasionally melt or otherwise deform despite the internal
>  metal reinforcement at the hose clamp points under what are
>  (my pretty good guess) intercooler intake temperatures
>  approaching, if not exceeding, 400 F at that level of boost.
>   The cracked ones I've seen have been at the mounting tab
>  joinder to the tube.  Could probably be repaired with an
>  appropriate epoxy?
>  HTH
>  Mike "Yeah sometimes you do want a bigger IC" Pederson
>  ~-----Original Message-----
>  ~From: steve powers
>  ~
>  ....
>  ~The car has had a couple over-the-parking-block excursions,
>  resulting in ~displaced bumper cover. I did notice that the
>  X-over pipe is directly ~beneath and that one of the
>  mounting tabs was broken. Perhaps it took ~some of the
>  plastic pipe with it, creating a small hole. ~

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