[s-cars] 1995.5 S6 Avant sold, and a footnote on electricals

steve powers steve at thepowers.net
Tue Jun 24 21:39:29 EDT 2003

Jeff says:
>  Also wanted the list to know - I was experiencing some
>  strange behavior with the rear wiper not parking
>  consistently, and backup lights not working. Didn't connect
>  the two until a couple weeks ago.  Our mechanic determined
>  that the wiring harness to the rear hatch was
>  pinched/frayed/shorted inside the sheath.  Addressing that
>  fixed the other issues immediately.  In retrospect I
>  should've thought of something like that right away.
>  Apologies if this is well known already; I didn't search the
>  archives, but thought the discovery might benefit current owners.


I've just noticed that our rear wiper isn't parking consistently. I will
take a look as you've suggested. Thanks for this potentially time-saving

Steve Powers

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