[s-cars] '92 s4 break and tranny question

Bjørn Ødegård beernuts at online.no
Thu Jun 26 11:26:01 EDT 2003

A lot of the '92s were delivered with the UFOs in the US, but were with
few exeptions changed to G60's. In europe, the UFOs were equipped on
cars well into 1993, and not many were changed under warranty. The
problem is that the struts, hubs and some other stuff has to be changed
as well..

The trannies are the same until the 6-speed arrived, but several have
had problems with the pinion bearing, might be a lot problem from the
bearing manufacturer. Charlie, any details on this issue?

Bjorn :o)
'92 S4 with UFO....

----- Original Message -----
From: "james McCarthy" <jjssmccarthy at yahoo.com>
To: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2003 12:02 PM
Subject: [s-cars] '92 s4 break and tranny question

> did the '92 s4 have the ufo breaks of the 200 or had
> they moved on the the g60's?  And were the
> transmissions on the '92 more delicate than the
> '93-94?
> thanks.
> -jjm
> 95.5 s6 avant
> 98.5 a4 2.8qms
> looking to add another s-car to the stable.
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