[s-cars] Wowza!! Eurolights Save my Butt

Fred Munro munrof at sympatico.ca
Thu Jun 26 20:04:40 EDT 2003

	Another reason to install Eurolights - active safety devices.

	Picture this....

	The two-lane highway opens up into four lanes at the top of a long downhill
left hand sweeper. At the bottom of the hill, there is an uncontrolled T
intersection with a regional highway. Drivers turning west onto the 4-lane
have to cross the east-bound lanes and wait in the median to pull into the
west-bound lanes. There have been numerous accidents at this intersection
caused by drivers pulling out in front of on-coming traffic on the 4-lane
with usually fatal consequences to the unobservant drivers crossing the

	I'm on my way home after a long day at work. It's raining. As the 4-lane
opens up I pull out into the left lane to pass a truck. I've got my eye on
the intersection and there's two cars waiting to cross. I'm doing about 120
kph and the first car pulls out in front of me. OK, he can just make it.
Surely the bonehead behind him isn't going to....

Shit, he is!!!

I'm into the ABS and flashing the high beams like mad. I've got 1 second to
decide whether the median ditch or the swamp is going to make the softest
landing, and the swamp is looking good.

The 200 watts of Euro high beams catches the attention of Mr. Observant. He
realizes he is within 2 seconds of having an Audi emblem forge-welded to his
drivers door. He nails his brakes an comes to a stop as I flash past 12" off
his front bumper.

Unfortunately for our hero, he has come to a stop straddling the right hand
lane, directly in front of the truck I was passing. The trucker is into HIS
brakes, giving our intrepid wheelman the opportunity to nail the throttle
and scoot out of the way as the truck cleans the dust off his rear bumper.
He lives to breed and pass his seed down the generations.

I wonder what it smells like in his car?

Talk about making time stand still!

Gotta love those Euros!

Fred Munro
'94 S4

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