[s-cars] 117 degrees ambient

Scott Munger mungerts at uneedspeed.net
Mon Jun 30 23:21:58 EDT 2003

Ahhh, a black car in the Phoenix sun.  Weekend trip to the valley and the
temp was 117.  Ecru interior, I hail thee.   Car was sucking wind and liking
the 15w-50 (in spite of the recent talk of lighter weight oil... one day
after I buy 10 quarts of M1 15-50... *sigh*).  An FMIC with misters felt

Brakes were really squealy in the heat.  Brake dust was almost "chunky"...
could a few degrees (or 50) make that big of a difference in the pad
compound?  I finally nailed most of the squeal with anti-squeal cheez whiz
but now I'll try again but go crazy with it on the pad backing...

--Scott "more of a story than a question" Munger
'93 S4
'97 Cabriolet

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