[s-cars] Re: MAF foul up

jimk at spotgraphicsinc.com jimk at spotgraphicsinc.com
Mon Mar 3 09:24:44 EST 2003

Those are exactly the same symptoms I had after going with an oiled
filter.  Actually mine was not so noticable at first, but did have the
stumble at heavy load situations (freeway speeds, pull out to pass
someone, car doesn't move...).  Due to it not being so obvious right
after install (I guess it wasn't as overlubed as yours), it took many
months for me to figure it out and almost made me sell the
car....Switched back to a paper filter (cheap) and a new MAF (not quite
so cheap) and all was well again.
Jim K.

Message: 8
Date: Sun, 02 Mar 2003 23:29:12 -0500
From: serge <serge411 at speakeasy.org>
To: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Subject: [s-cars] MAF foul up

Greetings all,

Recently, after fighting boredom with beer reached diminishing returns
the in-laws, I managed to slip out to the garage. Got all the Samco
installed, spark plugs checked, oil changed, then I got really bold and
decided to clean the K&N. I have done this many times on the trusty old
so I had my procedure all planned out=8B soak with cleaner, bang the
dirt o=
rinse, repeat, let dry for several hours, oil let soak for 12 hours,
replace. Except this time I rushed through the "let oil soak in" part,
as I
was eager to drive the car with the purdy blue hoses. To make an already

long story short, I am pretty sure I got some oil on the MAF wires.

Anybody BTDT? What were your symptoms?

Instead of getting that "instant turbo spool-up" I was looking for, I
the "who threw the boat anchor out the tailgate?" The car became less
responsive in other words. Doh! A couple of long highway trips later,
problem is much more subtle, but I have noticed a high-boost WOT
miss/stumble, and would like to isolate the problem. I realize that the
miss/stumble could be ignition related, but would like to know if the
MAF is
a contributing party, or another problem altogether.

So, if any of you lucky bastards... ahem, generous folks who have
to RS2 gear have a known good MAF lying around, taking up space,
dust... would be willing to part w/ it in exchange for:

a) my sincere thanks
b) promise I'll send it back
c) beer
d) all of the above

Please let me know.


Serge Filanovsky

95 S6 Avant

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