[s-cars] Steering boost/Servotronic

Ian Duff iduff at rcn.com
Tue Mar 4 14:42:25 EST 2003

Kids, all this noise about disconnecting an electrical connector at the rack
to disable steering boost has me shuddering thinking about ever wanting to
put it back, like for the next owner, or my wife, etc, when it's exposed to
road grime. Much easier is to remove the Servotronic relay. The one from my
car (1995.5 S6A), which I'm looking at right now, says "362" on top, where
one's most likely to be able to identify it, and then when it's pulled, the
side label says "Servotronic". No mystery, no muss, no fuss, and easy to put
back without having to clean that electrical connector <g>. HTH.
-Ian Duff.

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