[s-cars] 1995 S6, Condition, Reason for sale.. inquiry

jeff posto jpostup at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 4 17:42:59 EST 2003

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Hi there,

A few months ago, a 1995 Silver/Black S6 sold from Adam G (?) for the price of $21K , I believe. It had RS2 turbo, EM, Hoppen Stage 3 mods, and about 75K miles, all the mods, except Big Red brakes.
Now I see the same car ( I think) on Audiworld.com, advertised by J Hilton. Same price, now with 80K miles, and a winter wheel set.
First questions: Does anyone on the list have an inside news on this car? If it is Adam's car, why is it for sale again? Is it worth a flight to Denver?
Reply off list, if you prefer, yep! I am interested.
Jeff Posto TIA..
1993 Red S4.

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