[s-cars] Shade Tree Software URL]

Steve Eiche seiche at shadetreesoftware.com
Wed Mar 5 11:38:33 EST 2003

  >My mistake it is also only $50.00 more than the Vag-Com... I thought
I saw
  >> $299.00 ... maybe it's the old age kicking in.

Thanks for posting the correction.  Actually, VAG-COM comes at a number
of price points ranging from $199 to $279, so we're right in the middle
(not including the costs of PDAs vs. laptops, which puts us
substantially lower than VAG-COM).

Featurewise, they do some things we don't and we do things they don't.
Overall, I think we're a bit ahead.  If you look at the table on their


With the exception of the 7-Digit PINs, we have already implemented all
the items they list as "soon".  Their table is also missing a couple
features found in the VAG 1552, which we have implemented.

If you look only at cost of ownership for your average VW/Audi
owner/mechanic who doesn't own a laptop or Palm, ProDiag has a huge
advantage.  New Palm OS PDAs are available in the $100 range.  My
preferred PDA, the Sony Clie SJ20 with a lithium battery is commonly
available for ~$129.  Factor in a serial cable for the Clie at ~$20 and
you are at ~$150 for a new platform to run ProDiag on.  Getting even a
good used laptop, with a "free" OS would be tough at that price.

Some of the biggest advantages of the Palm device is due to the small
size and "instant availability" of the program.  You can stick the Palm
to the windshield with a suction cup mount and instantly have a full
guage package for diagnosing a problem, or track use, etc.  Then throw
it in the glove compartment.  Try that with a laptop.  Then factor in
the ease of use of a Palm device vs. a PC for your average owner or
mechanic.  We are betting that there are many VW group vehicle owners
who find ProDiag to be a valuable diagnostic tool for them. Seeing as
you already have laptops and are comfortable using them in your car
and/or garage, then VAG-COM is probably a good choice for you.

Sorry for the blatant plug here.  I just wanted to clear up some
misunderstanding about our product.

Steve Eiche
Shade Tree Software, LLC

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