[s-cars] Re: New Battery = Bad Operation

CyberPoet thecyberpoet at cyberpoet.net
Thu Mar 6 07:48:26 EST 2003

Everybody has missed the most obvious possibility:
Have you checked the voltage and specific gravity of the electrolyte on
the new battery? Might require charging (if it was in storage for a
long time), or
it may have a bad cell as a consequence of bad manufacture.

Best Wishes,
=-= Marc Glasgow

On Wednesday, March 5, 2003, at 08:34 PM,
s-car-list-request at audifans.com wrote:

> Yesterday morning my 95.5 S6 is running great, but the battery had been
> dying for a while so I bought a new one from NAPA.  After I installed
> the
> battery (and hooked up the 2 green connectors under the back seat
> which had
> been disconnected) car runs badly - doesn't snap on accel, misses &
> stumbles
> going up hills, but seems to run ok at WOT.

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