[s-cars] Re: Re: Up-grade headlight bulbs

owdbuff at earthlink.net owdbuff at earthlink.net
Thu Mar 6 10:27:12 EST 2003

I recieved the Razo bulbs from imotorgear the other day, as I was unable to=
 cancel my order.  I was reluctant in trying them, however curiosity got th=
e best of me.  Last night I put them in my wife's car.  Not only was I plea=
sed with the color, but the light pattern was significantly improved.  Mayb=
e they have improved the technology of their product.
Original message attached.
Tom Amberg
Arvada, Co.
95 S6
[ Converted text/html to text/plain ]
I hope you will be able to return these bulbs - unopened after they are
delivered.  You have been screwed, my friend.  Did you happen to get the na=
of the person who took your order?  Was it our old friend, Ben Dover?
If you want to upgrade (increase the power output) of the Euro lights buy
higher wattage bulbs - provided the wiring will handle higher wattages and =
bulbs are relayed so that the power through the bulbs does not also pass
through the switch.  H1 bulbs are available at 55, 85, 100, 130 watt levels,
The blue filtered bulbs are simply rip-off items intended to snare the unwa=
ricer.  They are simply a waste of good money and will actually result in
*less* light reaching the road than your standard H1 bulbs.
At 02:32 PM 2/23/2003 -0700, owdbuff at earthlink.net wrote:

My wife's S-6 has Euro lights, and my S-6 has original lights.
I have ordered up-grade bulbs for her car (H1) through imotorgear
and have not recieved them yet.  They are supposed to burn at
4550K and are only 55w=3D110w.  These should be much brighter than
standard H1.  I'm supposed to get them this week.  If they are
brighter or Whiter than the ones in the car I will probably get
them for my car which has the 9000x bulbs.  You can check their
web site @ www.imotorgear.com. [1] The bulb is made by Razo.  They
have a list of the bulbs they make.  I to am looking to up-grade
Headlights on both cars.
Tom Amberg
Arvada, Co.
95 S
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 Robert L. Myers  304-574-2372
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  1. http://www.imotorgear.com. /
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