[s-cars] Aquamist Water Injection - Discount

Bruce Mendel brucem105 at comcast.net
Thu Mar 6 14:50:51 EST 2003

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Duh, thank you Robert for pointing out my idiocy. :)

Main site is www.aquamist.co.uk.

I installed System 2C, as it is boost activated with variable flow, so you =
can use big nozzle (I used .9mm). I did not want big nozzle with only on/of=
f control, as it would either choke the car at low boost with big nozzle or=
 not flow enough at high boost with small nozzle.

Their price list is at http://www.aquamist.co.uk/sl/plist/frm-4.html in Bri=
tish pounds, not sure if they have a US site with USD pricing, but convert =
and deduct 20%, and that should be damned close.

There is another site where prices seem better, so I am still checking, sta=
y tuned.

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Robert Myers
  To: Bruce Mendel
  Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2003 2:38 PM
  Subject: Re: [s-cars] Aquamist Water Injection - Discount

  A URL would be helpful. Bruce.

  At 01:19 PM 3/6/2003 -0500, you wrote:

    This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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    For those of you that are considering water injection, I wound up being=
 a dealer based on working with the master distributor and shop that did th=
e install.

    So if you want an Aquamist system, I can get them at 20% off SRP as lis=
ted on their site. Shipping to me is free, and then it'd be whatever you ch=
oose to you. They may drop ship, I will check if someone is interested, sav=
ing another $10 or so.

    Loving water injection
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   Robert L. Myers  304-574-2372
   Rt. 4, Box 57, Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA  WV tag Q SHIP
   '95 urS6 Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen   ICQ 22170244

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