[s-cars] ebay timing belt

jimk at spotgraphicsinc.com jimk at spotgraphicsinc.com
Thu Mar 6 14:04:07 EST 2003

Well, never being one to hesitate too much in regard to buying stuff
from various ebay's all over the world, I came across that package of
timing belt repair pieces on the good old USA ebay.  At $67 I decided to
bite, turns out the guy owns a parts place and drives a 93 S4.  Anyway,
everything showed up very quickly and consists of a new Continental
Timing belt in a box, a new Continental Serpentinve belt without a box,
a new Hepu-brand made in Germany Waterpump and a new wrapped-up
tensioning roller.  Unless I really don't know where to look for the
best deals (which could be), this seems like a great price and I look
forward to putting these into the car soon.  Anyway, just a headsup n
czse anyone else has been pondering this, he seems to post them up every
week or so.
Jim K.

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