[s-cars] RE: radiator fan clutch

Fred Munro munrof at sympatico.ca
Thu Mar 6 19:41:09 EST 2003


The power steering pump pulley can easily be installed wrong side out, which
moves it 1/2" or so towards the radiator and would move the hex cover closer
to the fan. The pulley is stamped "This side out" on one side - the words
should face the radiator.
Having the pulley on backwards will also endanger the serpentine belt since
the hydraulic pump pulley is out-of-plane with the rest of the pulleys.


Fred Munro
'94 S4

-----Original Message-----
From: s-car-list-admin at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-admin at audifans.com]On Behalf Of
KRohnstock at BHF-Law.com
Sent: March 5, 2003 6:04 PM
To: ray at s-cars.org
Cc: s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: [s-cars] RE: radiator fan clutch

Ray & Matt,

Thanks for your responses, but the fan was not hitting the radiator, so I
don't think the radiator supports were the problem.  Instead, the fan blades
flex towards the motor at high rpm (not towards the radiator), and they were
rubbing against a hexagon shaped plate (earlier I improperly described it as
a nut).  This plate, which is about an inch or two wide, was mounted on the
power steering pulley (not the motor as I originally described) and stuck
out about an inch towards the radiator fan.  The paint on the offending
plate was worn off from the fan rubbing against it, and presumably this is
what caused my fan to explode, and this is the part my mechanic removed.

Should the fan blades flex towards the motor?  My mechanic thought he might
have installed the fan backwards, but when he tried to flip it around, it
would not fit.

Thanks again for your responses, and any other insight would be appreciated.


ps: Yes, Matt, like you, I am from Contoocook, NH.  Small world!  Good to
hear from you.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ray Tomlinson [mailto:ray at s-cars.org]
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 3:32 PM
To: Rohnstock, Kevin R.
Cc: s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: radiator fan clutch


I concur with Matt R. re bent or otherwise malaligned upper radiator
support.  The "nut" you are referring to is likely the "key" that secures
and spaces the fan clutch to the pulley on the serpentine belt.  When
properly aligned, the blades should not contact the radiator, even at high
RPM.  Plus, the fan clutch limits the RPM's of the fan.  Make sure the fan
clutch is tight.

Also, look at the four bolts holding the upper radiator support to the
fenders.  Has the paint been marred?  Has your car ever had any *light*
front end work?  The support is designed to push back upon contact, and even
the slightest above-the-bumper contact will knock the support out of

Ray Tomlinson
Boston (BBO # 654855)

-----Original Message-----
From: s-car-list-admin at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-admin at audifans.com]On Behalf Of Matt Russell
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 12:44 PM
To: KRohnstock at BHF-Law.com; frank at s-cars.org
Cc: s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: [s-cars] (no subject)


This is just a stab in the dark, but is it possible that the radiator
supports are bent or slightly out of wack, causing the radiator to sit
closer to the fan than normal?

-Matt, co

ps - are you originally from NH?

I can't visualize the nut you are referring to. More importantly, I'm not
sure if you are better off by having removed it. This being said, I have
cc'd the S Car List on this response, and I trust that they will come up
with BTDT and pertinent suggestions to help you out. Good luck.

Fellow S Listers,
Can you help a brother out?


-----Original Message-----
From: 	KRohnstock at BHF-Law.com [mailto:KRohnstock at BHF-Law.com]
Sent:	Tuesday, February 25, 2003 2:30 PM


I have a 1995.5 S6 which recently gave me some problems.  Recently, while
accelerating hard from a stop light, I heard a ?pop? sound, which was
quickly followed by an illuminated low coolant/engine overheating warning
light, a stalled motor, and coolant gushing from the radiator.  When I
opened the hood, I found all of the blades of the radiator fan strewn about
the engine compartment.  I took it to a local mechanic who replaced the
radiator, the radiator fan, the fan shroud, the fan clutch and the
thermometer.  Turns out that at high rpm, the radiator fan blades would
flex towards the motor and rub against a large six-sided object mounted on
the motor (basically, this object is a nut (not a bolt in the motor) to
receive a wrench or socket).  Eventually, the blades got too close to this
nut, and they all shattered and came off the fan (damaging the radiator and
other parts in the process).  When my mechanic replaced the fan, the new
blades where again rubbing against the nut, so he removed the nut, and now
I don?t have a problem...or do I?  I searched through some S4/S6 chat rooms
and couldn?t find anyone who was complaining of a similar problem.  Sounds
like a design flaw in either the motor or the radiator, but since no one
else has complained of this, I?m wondering if and why I had this unique
(and expensive) problem.  Have you ever heard of such a problem?  Please
Thanks for your help,
Kevin Rohnstock

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