[s-cars] 3b flywheels

Steve Eiche seiche at shadetreesoftware.com
Thu Mar 6 20:14:53 EST 2003

Just about any Audi flywheel with work with an AAN. Yes, the timing pins
are in the right places comparing the flywheel used on 3B '91 200qs with
the flywheel from an AAN car.  BUT, he flywheel needs to match the
transmission.  The 3B flywheel will ONLY work with an 016 type
transmission, not the O1E like the ur S4/S6, etc.  The 016 transmission
cars have the pilot bearing in the crankshaft, whereas the 01E/01A cars
have the pilot bearing in the flywheel.  Does this make sense?

If you want a lighter solid flywheel for an 01E transmission, get a
'90-'91 CQ flywheel and have it lightened, or get one of the aluminum
01E flywheels that were modelled after the CQ flywheel.  There are few
vendors for these I believe.



Does anyone know if you can run the 3B flywheel with an AAN?  Does the
3B flywheel have the correct marks for the timing and speed sensors?

What clutch offerings are there for this setup?


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