Fwd: [s-cars] Shade Tree Software URL]

Thomas Green trgreen at comcast.net
Fri Mar 7 16:58:15 EST 2003

I was  remiss in not clueing in the list on their work, so I'm
including it here.  Anyone else interested in a Visor interface might
let them know.   Or perhaps want to buy a used VAG-COM set-up. :-)

Tom '95 S6

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Mike Durian <durian at shadetreesoftware.com>
> Date: Fri Mar 7, 2003  12:48:05 PM US/Eastern
> To: Tom Green <trgreen at comcast.net>
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] Shade Tree Software URL]
> On Thursday 06 March 2003 08:41 pm, you wrote:
>> Mike,
>> Short answer, yes.   Actually, I had your site bookmarked since Frank
>> gave you the plug a couple months ago,  and want to stay abreast
>> anyway.
> Anyway, we'll let you know when we get something going with the
> handspring.
> Should be soon actually.  I'm about ready to test some code
> modifications,
> and the hardware mod is small enough that we can rework our boards.  At
> this point, it's just a matter of verifying we didn't break anything
> with
> as many cars as possible.
> As an added bonus, this handspring fix should also allow us to work on
> ARM based PDAs.  Tungstens might have enough screen resolution to
> support
> something like the Bentley manuals.
> mike

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