[s-cars] Leaving the engine runnin
Marc Glasgow
cyberpoet at mac.com
Sat Mar 8 01:49:08 EST 2003
Again, another fine example of German law working it's way into German
corporate mindsets. The law in Germany now prohibits leaving your car
idling at start-up because of revisions to the national code by the
Green party (so much extra pollution -- it can't be good! [and ignore
any wear and tear-related pollution in the long term as a result] ),
and this in turn is integrated into the owner's manual (translated from
the German, effectively). That having been said, my Bentley manual
implies that there is some sort of oil pressure retention system in the
car that keeps the oil system pressurized for quick-starts with
Here's one Audi technology I remember fondly that died it's death a
number of years ago as far as I know (never saw it in an American
model, but it was in some 5 cylinder Audi's from the early/mid 80's):
TDC stop. On the blinker shaft was a button that you hit when you got
to an extended red light, and it would stop the engine with the first
cylinder at top dead center (under pressure), to conserve fuel and
reduce pollution. When the light turned green, hit the button again,
the cylinder would fire and the engine would spring back to life
without ever engaging the starter.
=-= Marc Glasgow
Sandy Sligh wrote:
> I agree with Marc's assessment. However, if you read
> the S4 owner's manual (i assume the S6 is similar if
> not identical) Audi actually poo-poo's idling to let
> the car warm up and recommends starting and driving
> off instantly to bring the motor quickly to operating
> temps.
> Very weird and against everything I've been taught.
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