[s-cars] Front Camber Adjustment

K.C. Madsen Kenneth_Madsen at alumni.nd.edu
Fri Mar 14 16:40:26 EST 2003

Just before buying my car (about 2 weeks ago), the previous owner replaced
the stock springs with H&R springs.  Today I finally had a four wheel
alignment done.  The mechanic got both rear tires within spec.  However, he
had some trouble with the camber on the front two wheels.

He told me the spec range is -1.1 to -0.1
The best he could do was -1.3 for the front left and -1.8 for the front

Unfortunately, I don't have any specific information on exactly which
springs are installed.  Is this far enough out of spec to worry about?  if
so, any suggestions?

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