[s-cars] Re: [V6-12v] Headlight lens

CyberPoet thecyberpoet at cyberpoet.net
Mon Mar 17 01:09:37 EST 2003

Concerning the headlight:

1. Ordered replacement glass for our 93 100S from Paul at Puma
products. Received two headlight glass covers that were both the wrong
size. Ended up going to the dealer and paying dealer pricing for the
assembly (reflector, backing + lens = $212, plus $20 fed ex up charge
for overnighting it in). Here's the full story:

> Just an update to anyone following the progression of events here --
> I've gotten a few emails concerning it.
> Scenario: other half's 1993 Audi 100S driver's side headlight found
> with broken headlight lens about two weeks ago.

That was Feb 22nd or so...

> Corrective steps taken: Ordered European glass replacement from Paul
> at Pumaproducts.com, per everyone's suggestion. S4 glass promptly
> arrived (not 100S -- glass not interchangeable), incorrect size.
> Called, was told "opps, our mistake -- we'll get the right glass out
> ASAP." Glass didn't arrive as expected, called again a few days later
> -- sorry, was left in the back room, never shipped. We'll get it out
> today via FedEx. Still didn't arrive, another call -- here's the
> tracking number (gee, sent it via 3 day delivery, imagine that). A few
> days later, glass finally arrives -- this time 1984 Audi 5000 series
> Euro glass (same size/fit as the S4 glass -- won't match up to the
> 100S reflector). Called again, this time armed with the right VAG part
> numbers from my own copy of the catalog -- "sorry, we don't have those
> in stock. I could order it from Europe, but it would take a few weeks
> to arrive." At least I'll get credit on the credit card for both
> purchases...

Still waiting for the next billing cycle to verify the credit...

> Disgusted, and highly annoyed that my other half has been driving
> around on a single headlight (not great night vision, her), I turn
> around and call the local stealer (dealer) and order the
> lens/reflector assembly for $30 over stock price list (to pay for
> FedEx'ing the part in ASAP) -- will arrive Tuesday. Part number
> [driver's side: 4A0 941 105] verified as matching what my parts
> catalog shows. Downside: Puma's glass was in the $65 - $85 price
> range. Dealer part is glass + reflector (as an assembly -- lens not
> available separately for the 92-94 100 Series), $201.55 list / $231.55
> with FedEx.

Finally got the dealer glass in two working days later and installed
it, slapped in a high-output replacement bulb (the old one had gone bad
as well), and re-aimed the headlights... which promptly earned me the
love of my other half again... who is still after me about that
replacement after-market stereo I mean to put in (and is lying on the
dining table while I try to track down a matching preamp adaptor for
the existing speaker system)...

2. Also got a link from a lister [see below] concerning a company that
was selling Euro-headlight assemblies new, importing them after-market
from Japan, and I sent them the $185 (with S&H) or so they wanted for a
pair. That was about 2 weeks ago and in a response to a follow-up email
a week after ordering they said they were currently out of stock (or
more accurately, that they had found both of the units they had in
stock broken, and had ordered more) and they would ship when they
arrived... so I'm still waiting on that.

> This place sells Korean replica's of the Hella H4 Euros for the
> '92-'94 100 series:
> http://www.importvision.com/
> I believe some listers have purchased from them and the quality was
> pretty good. Not a bad deal either for $159 for the pair (whole
> assemblies).
> Craig

So there you have it.

=-= Marc Glasgow

On Sunday, March 16, 2003, at 12:02 PM, Edward Sluis wrote:

> Hello all,
> I took apart my instrument cluster to fix the problem of the
> status/radio screen showing lots of weird things from dirty contacts.
> And while I have it all apart I decided to fix some of the other
> little problems with it too.  A couple of the bulbs are burnt out and
> the back light for the outside temperature display is burnt out.  So
> does anyone know what they values of the bulbs in the normal part of
> the instrument cluster are?  And does anyone have any tips or tricks
> for replacing them?  It looks to me as though I will need to cut the
> metal contacts off of the old one and solder them on to the new ones.
> Does anyone know what the value of the bulb in the temperature display
> is?
> Also, the passanger side headlight lens cracked on me, and I remember
> something in the list a little while ago where someone was able to
> replace just the lens, instead of buying the whole headlight assymbly.
>  But I can't seem to find it when I searched the archives, so if
> anyone has any information on that I would greatly appreciate it.
> Finally, Does anyone have a good source for the black trim moulding
> that runs down the center of the doors and seems to need replacing
> every 2 years since the clips keep breaking.
> Thanks in advance,
> Ed
> 1992 100CS

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