[s-cars] airbags.

Dan Bertram DBertram at mcloughlinpromotions.com
Wed Mar 19 12:33:49 EST 2003

James et al:

Before I had my Pearl '97 S6, I had a black '97 S6, which ended up head-on into a tree.  Long story, however, both front airbags deployed as they were designed to do, and I was wearing a seat belt.  When I got out, I was more p-o'd about the car's damage because I had NOT ONE SCRATCH on me.  Not even a sore neck the next day.

I wasn't travelling quickly (maybe 50 km/h), but sure stopped in a hurry (2ft diameter trees don't move that much); and although the accident would not have been life threatening, I certainly could have suffered from a lot more injury.

YMMV, but I for one, am keeping my airbag.


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