[s-cars] exhaust clamps for sale

Edward Sluis emsluis at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 19 19:14:28 EST 2003

I recently had an exhaust leak, and before fully investigating the problem
purchased 2 new exhaust clamps (those 2" by 5" round adjustable tubes with 2
clamps on them with carriage bolts through them that mate the 2 exhaust
pipes).  Once I had a chance to get under the car and figure out the
problem, it turned out that all i needed to do was re-align one of the
clamps and tighten it up a bit.  So I no longer need the 2 brand new ones
that I bought.  I paid about $20 a piece for them (they list for $26, I
bought them online cheaper), If someone can use them, you can have them both
for $20 + shipping.


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