[s-cars] Buried in snow - need some help

mlp qwest mlped at qwest.net
Thu Mar 20 13:53:05 EST 2003

Gee Guys, when you need good, mission critical advice, I always recommend
you consult an EXPERT.
In that regard, if it hasn't come to you already based on his previous posts
to the list, who else?

ASK HAP's WIFE.  Gee whiz with the amount of snow we got, Hap has to have
had her hard at work out on the snow blower / shovel over 36 hours straight
by now :-)  I she doesn't know how to keep a shovel from sticking, who will?
(The answer however may be a closely guard family recipe involving coconut
oil extract.)

~-----Original Message-----
~From: On Behalf Of QSHIPQ at aol.com
~Depends on whether you are "loading" the shovel with the blade
~parallel to the ground or not.  With the blade parallel to the
~ground, use Pam it's cheaper than antisieze, with the blade
~perpendicular, the loading isn't really a problem.
~ray at s-cars.org writes:
~> I would try a shovel.  If the snow is heavy, a little anti-seize on the
~> blade is also helpful.
~> Just make sure you ask Scott J. first.  I could be
~> *completely* wrong.
~> :`)

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