[s-cars] coding switch position

K.C. Madsen Kenneth_Madsen at alumni.nd.edu
Thu Mar 20 17:24:19 EST 2003

Just received my Bentley on CD yesterday (yeah!) and went to work trying to
isolate my autocheck problem.

One of Bentley's first steps in the troubleshooting is to check the coding
switch position.  You simply hold in the autocheck/dimmer switch while
turning on the ignition.  Two numbers are displayed.  The first should be
the number of cylinders, and the second is the position of the coding

Looking at the provided table, I expect to see 52 (5 cylinders,
2=USA/Gasoline).  However, I was surprised to see 56.  According to the
table, the 6 is for "All Other Countries Including Canada/Diesel"

Anyone else ever done this test?
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