[s-cars] Re: Skyline

CyberPoet thecyberpoet at cyberpoet.net
Sat Mar 22 17:34:37 EST 2003

The skyline is the ultimate 4-wheel drive rally car, available in most
markets, one that has never reached the american market because of it's
crash-crumple zone stats (would require a redesign). It's performance
specs are actually better than that of the stock Audi, although the
amenities are not nearly of the same caliber by a long shot.

=-= Marc Glasgow

On Friday, March 21, 2003, at 12:00 PM, s-car-list-request at audifans.com

> It is the weakend isn't it???
> This weak we grab a clip, from our brothers in the UK, of a neu S4
> avant
> winning then losing to something called a Skyline.
> http://www.tyresmoke.net/albums/general/Crail_11_9.wmv
> I guess this is what happens when two puny, itti bitti, pee pee, little
> turbos spool up quick then ultimately poop out:/  Dey gotta learn about

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