[s-cars] Darwin candidate - was Gasket replacement

Richard Tanimura Richard at Tanimuras.com
Tue Mar 25 20:51:19 EST 2003

I have a few others to add to that.

1. If you hit a snag, examine your assumptions. In my case, I assumed there
were 6 bolts in the cover and ignored the 2 studs which were staring me in
the face but did not fit my assuptions. (I tend to be pigheaded.)

2. Don't let hubris get you. I did the first 80% of the job in 60% of the
time because I had checked the archives and planned, sprayed all the
necessary nuts and bolts with liquid wrench, had all the right tools. I was
ready. When I ran into the wall, my early success made me think I was right
and the other guy was wrong.

3. Get a Bentley. The info on erWin is less explicit. In my case my Bentley
is in Hawaii and my car is in Sweden.

4. The list could develop a question heirarchy e.g. 1) Mayday = I need help
NOW!; 2) Help = how is problem solved?; 3) Question = I don't have an
immediate problem but want to know.; 4) Opinion = E.g. "Do you think pink,
octoganol, polished mag wheels will impress my date?" (I thought I was
asking the list for help but very few people were coming up with answers. My
panik was perhaps understated.)

Rich, getting philosophical after a keg of beer!!

-----Original Message-----
From: s-car-list-admin at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-admin at audifans.com]On Behalf Of Bjørn Ødegård
Sent: den 25 mars 2003 09:45
To: AUDI S Cars Discussion List
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Darwin candidate - was Gasket replacement

The moral must be:
1. search the archives
2. search the archives
3. Get a CD version of the Bentley
4. search the archives to confirm what the Bentley says
5. tell the list what you're going to repair (destroy) next
6. Read all the off-topic threads spinnig off your original post (might
take some time..)
7. repeat 1-6, but this time get a printed version of the Bentley off
8. Start the mayhem (you should have a back-up car handy..)
9. _Read_ the Bentley (This _could_ be done before nr.8, but is seldom
10. Read the actual answers from 5 (with knuckles bleeding and grease
all over.)
11. get new parts (see, I told you to have a back-up car handy..)
12. do it again, right this time, and quicker than the bentley states.

Sometimes the #12 reads: "get the car to your favourite wrench."

Bjorn  :o)
'92 S4 (I'm currently at #4..)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Martin, Gary G" <MartinGG at aetna.com>
To: "AUDI S Cars Discussion List" <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 4:22 AM
Subject: RE: [s-cars] Darwin candidate - was Gasket replacement

> Don't feel too bad. I think there have been others, including myself
> have pulled, pryed and yelled why won't this %%$$##@@!! thing come
off. I
> think the Bentley helped me out on this one. Too bad you didn't query
> list before going crazy on it.
> Gary
> 94 UrS4
> 91 200 TQA
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard Tanimura [mailto:Richard at Tanimuras.com]
> Sent: Monday, March 24, 2003 1:27 PM
> To: tblack; s-car-list at audifans.com
> Subject: [s-cars] Darwin candidate - was Gasket replacement
> Tom,
> You erroneously assume I was behaving intelligently. This one was
> stoopid, even for me. Had I killed myself doing this job, I would have
> the Darwin. I thought the valve cover had only 6 screws. I checked the
> gasket and it had 6 screw holes. Made sense. I could not for the life
of me
> figure why the cover would not come off.
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