[s-cars] new FPR = more POWAH?!

Sandy Sligh sdslig at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 25 19:54:46 EST 2003

In ongoing attempts to get my S4 emissions legal, I
had the folks at Dr. John's in Sterling, VA poke
around and see what they could find.

They discovered the AAN fuel pressure regulator was
5lbs too high at idle (presumably at other engine
speeds as well?). Anyway, that was toast and quite
possibly the reason for my HC results at idle being
double the state limit. (we'll see at the next test)

However, I noticed on the way home, on an isolated
stretch of 495 (yeah, right) under full throttle I saw
in excess of 25lbs of boost, more like 26-27lbs.. on
PUMP GAS!! Before, the most the ECU would allow was
around 20-21. Holy kick in the a$$, Batman!!  Does
this seem possible or were my eyes playing tricks on


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