[s-cars] Transmission Mounts

CyberPoet thecyberpoet at cyberpoet.net
Tue Mar 25 23:31:01 EST 2003

   If you take the time to replace them, replace them all at once. No
sense in
going through the efforts (the parts are cheaper than the time &
effort) only
to have to possibly do it again later.

=-= Marc Glasgow

Ed Walsh wrote:

> Subject: [s-cars] Transmission Mounts
> Guys,
> On hard acceleration in second gear I get a metal on metal rattling
> from the
> transmission area (not "in" the transmission).  I believe it is the
> exhaust
> hitting a crossmember due to bad tranny mounts.  Are failed tranny
> mounts
> easy to spot?  Do they both go at the same time or usually one or the
> other?
> Finally, are they easy to replace?
> Thanks, Ed

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