[s-cars] ABS help!!!

Clayton Howes linksvu at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 26 13:08:41 EST 2003

Last week during the Denver snow storm, my diff lock was most certianly
used.  Unfortantly I had to replace the battery during the latter part of
that storm (Thursday last week) with a new Optima.  On Sunday afternoon, my
anit-lock light decided to just kick on for no reason and it has not shut
off yet.  The switch to turn the ABS off manual is not active now nor is the
diff lock; they both were during the storm a week ago.  I do know that the
ABS is truly off, so I do not think it is just the light.  Does anyone have
any ideas, and form to help in trying to figure this out??   Would this have
something to do with replacing the battery??  Any help would be much
appreciated!!!  Thank you..

CT  "my S4 has a bad attitude"  Howes

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