[s-cars] outside temp sensors? - poor readings BTDTs

Thompson thompson at audisport.com
Wed Mar 26 21:55:58 EST 2003

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My first three days with my S6 I've detected the outside temp gauge
light is out and the gauge readings are way screwy. -40 below on a nice
spring Vermont day? Whatsupwitdat?

I can't for the life of me find the outside temp sensor in the front
anywhere. Give me some pointers as to BTDTs.

Man this S6 covers ground faaaast and you don't really know it, plus
it's stock to boot! In my urq, you feel it - this S6 is way more safe
feeling at speed. Love it!

Shoot me over the outside temp reading troubleshooting repairs or area
I need to look for. I did read the bulb fix on the tech section of the
urS4.org site - this seems straight forward.


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