[s-cars] outside temp sensors? - poor readings BTDTs

Kirby Smith kirby.a.smith at verizon.net
Thu Mar 27 08:20:58 EST 2003

On my S6, it is clipped to part of the bumper behind the lower grill,
near the center.  One has to remove the front license plate, if present,
the side duct grills, and then the center piece of the grill.  Someone
who forgot about it and replaced the bumper might have broken it.

Directions for changing the lamp in the display are at one of the S-car


Bob Rossato wrote:
> > I can't for the life of me find the outside temp sensor in the front
> > anywhere. Give me some pointers as to BTDTs.
> The temp sensor is mounted pretty much smack dab in the center of the front
> bumper.  Open the hood, stick your hand behind the bumper and reach towards
> the front.  You should feel it there, though may not necessarily be able to
> see it.  If you look through the center bumper grille you should see it
> though.  As I recall, a -40 reading is a sign of a disconnected, or maybe
> failed sensor,
> Bob
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