[s-cars] Stabilant

Varon H. Fugman vfugman at globaldialog.com
Fri Mar 28 07:59:37 EST 2003

I ended up getting Caig ProGold GXL contact enhancer instead of Stabilant
specificaly because Caig's ProGold GXL product is rated for an extended
temperature range of of -45C to +400C.  So far I've treated all the
reasonably accesible connections under the hood (all the connectors along
the firewall (including POS), the fuel injectors, MAF, TPS, etc.)  I have
not done the coils or spark plugs yet.

Products rated to +200C (+392F) are probably aqequate for under-the-hood
use; I was just playing it extra safe getting the extended range product.

I bought the 25ml bottle with the needle dispensor for around $50 directly
from Caig Labs web site (www.caig.com -- no affiliation.)  25ml is a
lifetime supply!  A small 7.5ml bottle would have been more than enough!
After doing all the under hood connections the bottle still looks full!
Mainly I wanted the needle dispensor that only seems to come on the 25ml
bottle and is perfect for doing all those Audi electrical connectors.  They
do list a 12ml bottle with a syringe apllicator which might work.

Well, I've still got 24.9ml of product left... on to do the connections in
my stereo system (which hopefuly will not come anywhere close to +200C, let
alone +400C!)

'95urS6 with "enhanced" connections... good for at least 25 more HP! :-)

P.S. Say, I wonder if Hap has enhanced connections? :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: s-car-list-admin at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-admin at audifans.com]On Behalf Of CLAG500 at aol.com
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2003 7:09 AM
To: munrof at sympatico.ca; s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Stabilant

Thanks Fred,

 I think the Stabilant site says it's good for 200 degrees celsius so it
should be OK. I'll let you guys know how it works when I get some.


In a message dated 3/27/2003 8:29:38 PM Eastern Standard Time,
munrof at sympatico.ca writes:

> The plug connectors should be OK if they
> are tight, but I don't know how the Stabilant will stand up
> to the heat.
> Fred Munro
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