[s-cars] emissions...sigh

Sandy Sligh sdslig at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 31 16:17:02 EST 2003

Well, still no luck on the ole emissions front. Even
with fresh oil, a properly warmed engine and a new AAN
fuel pressure regulator (the replaced one was 5lbs too
high at idle. Man, I thought that was going to do it)
the S4 still refuses to not belch Hydrocarbons at

first test: 447ppm(220ppm limit)
second test: 417ppm (125ppm limit)

Yes, thats right. In between the first and second
tests, Virginia made the limits more strigent. How
nice of them.. I WILL KEEEEL YOOOUUUU!!!!....ahem.

So for now, back to Dr. John's for a vacuum leak hunt
and off go some funds to Scott at Stromung for a new
Catalytic converter/centersection as the cat was found
to be leaking for whatever reason
*cough*extremelyharddriving*cough*. Just kidding,
Bruce. Good news is that the maker of the cat might be
willing to warranty me 60-70 bucks in the event it is
defective in some way.

Im going to go back through all the replies after my
initial failure and think about trying those. Anyone
has any other ideas, i'd be happy to hear em.


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