[s-cars] RE: [V6-12v] Removing pinstriping?

Calvyn Calvyn at stny.rr.com
Mon Mar 31 23:17:10 EST 2003

I used the hot summer day technique... I came out to my car for lunch
and thought Hrmm, I wonder what she'd look like w/o those silly
pinstripes. 30 seconds later I found out.

I imagine that a hair dryer would work just as well..

'96 Audi A4 2.8 FronTrac (V6-12v)

-----Original Message-----
From: v6-12v-admin at audifans.com [mailto:v6-12v-admin at audifans.com] On
Behalf Of Scott Munger
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2003 9:48 PM
To: S-Car-List (E-mail); V6-12v (E-mail)
Subject: [V6-12v] Removing pinstriping?

Any advice on removing pin stripes?  (Stickers, not paint)

Bill Mahoney suggested Goo Gone.  I used that stuff to remove clear bra
remnants along with a standard issue pencil eraser mounted in a variable
speed drill.

I was going to use the same technique unless otherwise advised.

I found this technique...
Any one used this?

--Scott Munger
'93 S4
'97 Cabriolet

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