[s-cars] heel-toe driving

CLAG500 at aol.com CLAG500 at aol.com
Fri May 2 11:15:21 EDT 2003

Hey Scott,

  Could you give a brief description of how to use LFB in a tight corner? I would like to be able to do this in auto-x. Seems like it would be helpful in that situation. I'm just trying to picture how to do it. Are you using a lot of throttle while braking or just keeping it "on the boil"? Do you brake coming in? At the apex? or through the whole corner?

Chad Tobin

In a message dated 5/2/2003 7:23:09 AM Eastern Standard Time, QSHIPQ writes:

> I've
> taught/watched LFB for many years, even to some rather newbies.  I have yet
> to find any experience or venue to support your thinking, especially in a
> softly sprung badly distributed street car on track.  Personally, I LFB every
> frickin turn in any car on any track, turbo or non.  I can think of a handful
> of exceptions on specific tracks in specific cars where I don't.   The side
> benefit of LFB is keeping the turbo spooled, it has nothing to do with a
> bypass valve installed or not (my 83 urq doesn't have one, and my 87 wagon
> does, both benefit from LFB the same).  I don't think there is a better way
> to decrease lap time.  One of the first questions I ask anyone on the track,
> insulting or not.  You don't LFB, the guy that does has a
> huge time advantage
> you need to make up with with equipment.

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