[s-cars] Ever heard of this? - Lower control arm 'snapping' in traffic

Robert Myers robert at s-cars.org
Sat May 3 15:26:58 EDT 2003

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

Ouch!  Dave Flagg?  Dave <DFAUTOHAUS at aol.com> is (Or used to be? Haven't
seen a post from Dave in quite a while.) a q-list member.

At 10:13 AM 5/3/2003 -0400, David Glasser wrote:

>The shop is a father and son operation in Burlington VT called AutoHaus.
>I appreciate your advice and am seriously thinking of taking some sort of
>legal action.
>Dave Glasser
>95 Black S6
>Louis, Duke, Bird, Diz, & Trane live on through
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>Please continue to support the future of this great
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>----- Original Message -----
>From: "CyberPoet" <thecyberpoet at cyberpoet.net>
>To: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
>Cc: <divad at rcn.com>
>Sent: Friday, May 02, 2003 10:59 PM
>Subject: RE: [s-cars] Ever heard of this? - Lower control arm 'snapping' in
> > Lower control arms do not simply 'snap', especially under
> > such a light load. The first bit of advice: Immediately
> > contact a civil liability attorney specializing in lemon
> > laws and vehicles, and go after the shop/dealership which
> > sold you the vehicle. The accident, the damages, the car
> > and your peace of mind are all worth $$$ and a torte action
> > is probably the only way that such a facility will feel the
> > pain enough to not perform such shoddy work again. Do not
> > attempt to contact the dealership directly in any case
> > what-so-ever, and if you can't control yourself enough to
> > do that, tape every conversation with them, with their
> > attorneys, and make sure you get the adjustors' comments on
> > tape as well when the car is inspected by the insurance
> > agency.
> >
> > Oh, and please, for the sake of the rest of us, tell us
> > which shop/dealership you obtained this nightmare from...
> >
> > This kind of thing is very unlike Audi's and it needs to be
> > explained that it is obviously the fault of human error at
> > the local shop/dealership, and not the type of products the
> > Audi factory puts forth. Whether the car was in a bad
> > accident previously, and was not repaired correctly, or if
> > the parts installed were used and questionable, or if the
> > repair simply wasn't carried out, either way the full
> > liability needs to lie with the responsible party.
> >
> > Usually I dislike attorneys, but for cases such as this, it
> > is the only way to make a corporation (such as a
> > dealership) feel the pain adequately to prevent them from
> > repeating this kind of carelessness before it actually
> > kills someone.
> >
> > Sorry about your misfortune,
> > =-= Marc Glasgow
> > www.cyberpoet.net
> >
> >
> > Last Friday I'm driving to a job at about 4:30pm on the Henry Hudson
> > Pkwy in
> > NYC.  Stop and go traffic.  I'm moving about 25 mph in the right lane
> > when a
> > van cuts into my lane from the center lane (which was stopped at the
> > time).
> > I hit my brakes to slow down (no danger, plenty of time to stop) when I
> > hear
> > a clank and my car suddenly lurches uncontrollably to the left,
> > scraping the
> > right front of a blue escort along my two drivers side doors and then
> > hitting the right front quarter panel of a limo in the left lane with my
> > drivers side front quarter panel and scraping along the limo's
> > passernger
> > side doors.  Noboby hurt, thank god.  Turns out the passenger side lower
> > control arm snapped causing the car to lurch to the left.  I've owned
> > the
> > car two months (just received the title in the mail today).  The lower
> > control arms were supposedly replaced by the dealer I purchased it from.
> >
> > End result is the car is a total loss.  I don't know yet what the
> > insurance
> > co. will give me for it.  I have nowhere to keep the car to part it out
> > or I
> > would.
> >
> > Anyone ever heard of such a mechanical failure on these cars?  Kind of
> > scary.  Thank god I wasn't driving 70mph with my pregnant wife or
> > newborn
> > son (12 days) in the car.  I'm fighting hard to feel good enough to
> > purchase
> > another Audi.  Just though I'd share.  Any BTDT's or advice most
> > welcome.
> >
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I've been wondering...  Who would Jesus bomb?

  Robert L. Myers  304-574-2372
  Rt. 4, Box 57,  Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA  WV tag Q SHIP
  '95 urS6 Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen   ICQ 22170244

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