[s-cars] Fwd: FW: A great car commercial: When things just work...

Ron Einblau einblau at einblau.com
Mon May 5 10:27:39 EDT 2003

A little Monday morning laugh for those of you who have not seen this.

>Envelope-to: einblau at einblau.com
>X-Server-Uuid: 62333db7-76d7-4c1e-8695-ae6a73d58b85
>Subject: FW: A great car commercial:  When things just work...
>Date: Fri, 2 May 2003 16:28:48 -0700
>Thread-Topic: A great car commercial:  When things just work...
>Thread-Index: AcMQ6T/8yRwDcpcyRsOI8mPhwmYy5wAFaJPQAADnZ0A=
>From: "Tom Schillemore" <Tom.Schillemore at TELUS.COM>
>To: "RE (E-mail)" <einblau at einblau.com>
>X-OriginalArrivalTime: 02 May 2003 23:28:48.0390 (UTC)
>  FILETIME=[94FFBA60:01C31102]
>X-WSS-ID: 12AC20BA3129762-01-01
>X-Loop: PEP build Nov 14 2002 22:27:33 (http://www.islandnet.com/pep.html)
>Here is a challenge for your Audi crew.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Marty Swan
>Sent: May 2, 2003 4:03 PM
>To: Tom Schillemore
>Subject: FW: A great car commercial: When things just work...
>here's something for Friday afternoon....
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Dale Swan [mailto:dale at scotiamoneymatters.com]
>Sent: May 2, 2003 1:27 PM
>To: 'marty at swan.ca'; 'kim at swan.ca'; 'cindy at swan.ca'; 'smith at swan.ca';
>'duane at swan.ca'
>Subject: A great car commercial: When things just work...
>-----Original Message-----
>From:   Kim Mailey [SMTP:kim at scotiamoneymatters.com]
>Sent:   Friday, May 02, 2003 10:04 AM
>Subject:        FW: When things just work...
>A really cool ad!
>-----Original Message-----
>From:   Lingeman, Donna-Marie [SMTP:Donna-Marie.Lingeman at cibc.ca]
>Sent:   Friday, May 02, 2003 9:44 AM
>To:     Kim at Scotiamoneymatters. Com (E-mail); TOM LANG (E-mail); Charles.
>Katter at Morganstanley. Com (E-mail)
>Subject:        When things just work...
>kinda coool
>This is a two-minute Honda commercial, but a very different kind of car
>You may have to wait a bit but it's worth it.

Ron Einblau
93 S4
87 5KTQ (melted head into block)
Vancouver, B.C.

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