[s-cars] Engine stopping problem -- Starting Issue

William Perron w_perron at yahoo.com
Tue May 6 07:31:32 EDT 2003

This sounds like the problem I was having after my ECU
was modified by Hoppen(MTM).  The car would randomly
stall, and I would hear clicking from the relay panel
under the steering wheel, as well as clicking from the
holding relay in the ECU box.  Hoppen
resoldered/checked the socket connections and it has
been fine since then(2 weeks ago).  Has your ECU been
modified?  If so I would check, or have whoever did it
check the solder and/or socket connections.

PS:  Thanks to Bob R, Bob P, Ed W, Ray T, Mihnea, Matt
L, Linus T, Bill M and Bruce M for help in diagnosing
my MTM 1+ stalling problem a few weeks back.

Bill Perron
'95.5 S6 Avant
'85 4kq

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