[s-cars] Suspension Woes Continue!

Angelo Alexopoulos airs41994 at hotmail.com
Tue May 6 17:45:22 EDT 2003

Hi Gang,
Well, since the  lowering of the S4 in October of last year, I have had 2
control arm failures, alot of play, and a broken strut. The strut broke at
the top, in half, at the mount. Now I have heard conflicting things in
relation to the strut. One is that it had been tightened beyond the 20 ft
pounds required and casued it to break and another is that it was a faliure
on the actual strut itself. One of the problems I am getting, and it is an
off and on problem, is that I hear this weird crunching, grinding sort of
sound coming from the front left side of the car. It happens when I brake,
you can feel it in the pedals. It happens when I turn right and it happens
when I am going over slow to medium kind of dips in the road. Has ANYONE
else had this kind of problem. Other than myself and another SLister from
Wallingford, Bill, I have never heard of this noise before.

I took the car down again to my mechanic and he told me to order control
arms myself since the ones he got me to save money, Audi wants BIG BUCKS FOR
NEW ONES, have failed twice. And new tie-rod ends. Has anyone here had this
kind of problem in the past? Thanks again!

94 S4
83 ur-q

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