[s-cars] Engine stopping problem -- Starting Issue

James Murray (LMC) James.Murray at ericsson.ca
Tue May 6 18:50:08 EDT 2003

Most datasheets for most EPROMs specify a minimum 10 years of guaranteed programming lifetime, however several factors can shorten the life of the data programmed onto an EPROM. Exposure to heat and ultraviolet light will decrease the life of an EPROM. A well cared for (or, at least non-abused) can last upwards of 25 years, so I would say we all have many years to go!. I've never checked the spec's for our EPROMS, perhaps someone can chime in? I'll bet they are good for a much longer than 10 years...


-----Original Message-----
From: thomas.pollock at AMD.com [mailto:thomas.pollock at AMD.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2003 10:31 AM
To: miikka.salonen at kolumbus.fi; s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: RE: [s-cars] Engine stopping problem -- Starting Issue

Any electrical engineers out there ?  6 years ago is a long time.  I don't
want to start a panic but all electrical components have a life span. The
flash parts that hold the software in our ECUs definitely have been spec'd
for how long they will hold up before transistors break down etc. Oh, and
the more you reprogram them the quicker they start to break down. I don't
have a data sheet in front of me but I wouldn't be surprised if they are
spec'd for "maybe" ten years or so. That wouldn't mean that in ten years we
all suddenly start failing but...

Now depending what kind of application a certain part is being designed for
(military versus commercial etc) and how much room is left in the flash part
to put "extra" code in, you can do all kinds of things to check and in some
cases repair circuitry that is on the way out. I'm not at all familiar with
the software side either so who knows...  Anyone ?


-----Original Message-----
From: Miikka Salonen [mailto:miikka.salonen at kolumbus.fi]
Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2003 9:49 AM
To: s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: FW: [s-cars] Engine stopping problem -- Starting Issue

-----Original Message-----
From: Miikka Salonen [mailto:miikka.salonen at kolumbus.fi]
Sent: 6. toukokuuta 2003 16:46
To: William Perron
Subject: RE: [s-cars] Engine stopping problem -- Starting Issue

>been fine since then(2 weeks ago).  Has your ECU been
>modified?  If so I would check, or have whoever did it
>check the solder and/or socket connections.

Yes, the ECU has been modified 6 years ago. And in fact, ECU was taken
out few months ago to read the program (to be send to MTM for checking
some idle speed parameters). Maybe I should check that ECU connectors
are fine.


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